Tamara Philip, Author

Where Love blossoms…

Diverse Book Tours…We need more Diversity in books..ALL books!


Representation Matters!! I’ll say again and again until the day I die. It matters so much to see a character in a movie, on tv, in a book, in cartoons etc that looks like you, in some shape or form.

When I was growing up, I loved to read. I mean, I really, really loved to read but I always seemed to steer away from YA novels and romance novels because I couldn’t connect to them. None of the heroines were  described to look anything like me, or any of the other characters for that matter. I was a teenager looking to read about teenage things and I wanted representation but there weren’t very many options (Hell even as an adult it still gets a little dicey depending on the genre). That’s why the We Need Diverse Books movement is important. It means that another little girl or boy will be able to find a book with characters that they can truly relate too. 

and Diverse Book Tours puts that plan into action. Writing and reading go hand in hand. By making writers accountable for bringing diversity into the literary world, we can ensure future generations of readers have characters that represent them to fall in love with. From People of color, to the physically challenged and everyone in between, we all deserve to be seen and heard.

I’m not a book blogger usually, but I’m joining this revolution and I think you should too. If you’re a blogger, reviewer or author, you can sign up to be part of the Diverse Book Tours that’s that happening on September 1st 2014. Check them out at their website http://diversebooktours.com/ for more info on how to be a Book Tour host!

I’m in! Are you?


Author: Tamara Philip, Author

Author of Interracial novels including but not limited to romance. Aspiring writer of supernatural fantasy books.

7 thoughts on “Diverse Book Tours…We need more Diversity in books..ALL books!

  1. Wow, thanks Tamara!Your support means a lot to us! Be sure to stay tuned for promotions we’ll provide to authors. In efforts to help get the word out about Diverse Book Tours, we’ll be holding monthly contests for authors who did just as you did and help up get the word out to their followers! The winner(the author) will receive a complimentary service @ no charge for being a Diverse Book Tours Supporter! We’ll be sure to add you to the list of September entries!!!!!

    • Anytime!! Thanks so much for doing all that you’re doing to promote diversity in books!! I didn’t know how much I needed it in my life until you guys enlightened me! I can’t wait to be a part of this!! xoxo

  2. I loved to read too. I always just tossed the described leading lady out of my mind and envisioned her to look like me or something like the world around me. But I also read mysteries back then so the lack of diverse characters weren’t just a romance book thing. It’s nice to see others are stepping out of the mold still and writing books in a lot of genres with more diverse characters.

    Thanks for sharing the link. I will go check it out.

    • I did the same thing too. I just ignored descriptions of characters when I was growing up unless it was glaringly obvious. you know what I mean, when they described the hero or heroines hair and eye color every other chapter? I preferred authors who were lighter on the physical descriptions anyway but when those books started to become movies, I think you really start noticing it more.

      I’m excited about this whole Diverse book tour because I didn’t even know there were so many people already writing it out there!! I want to see/read worlds where Aliens, super heroes, robots etc exist but so do people of different nationalities and body able-ments (omg is that even a word?lol)!!

      Thanks so much for reaching out. Is your book out yet? When can I read it? xoxo

      • 🙂 Books to movie…yeah, that kind of kicks being able to see the characters differently out. I notice that each time a book is brought to movie none of the characters look anything like I imagined them anyway. I think I like the way I see them in my mind better ;).

        Yes. I have books out. I have actually been writing ethnically diverse books since I was a young girl. It was nice to have the characters represent the world I saw without having to keep imagining them differently from what the author wrote them. My published books are all culturally diverse in one way or another. I indie publish now so everything is on Amazon, B&N, and Lulu. The more recent book is Guarding Angel.

        I found so many authors who write multicultural books. When I first found them I hadn’t even realized there were a lot of people writing them. I hope that “Diverse Book Tours” can help bring more of the authors’ work to the people who really do want to read these books.

      • I’m adding them all to my TBR list!! They all look so good I cant choose which one I want to start to read first!

        I knoww I didn’t know there were so many multicultural books out there until recently and now I’m swamped on my reading lists but so so happy that I have so much choice, you know?? I didn’t know how much I need diversity in books until now.

        I think we all accepted that this was the way it was going to be. that unless its romance, a very specific type of romance, then you couldn’t really get multicultural books but now there are actual choices from YA to scifi and fantasy etc I LOVE IT! I only wished there was more of this when I was younger.

      • 🙂 Thank you.

        Yeah, I know what you mean. It would have been great to see this at a younger age for me too.

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